Comparison Between Lignocaine Intravenous Lignocaine Infusion and Ketorolac in Reducing Postoperative Opioid Requirement in Upper Limb Surgeries


  • Umer Khan Combined Military Hospital Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Saleem Pervaiz Bajwa Combined Military Hospital Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Akhtar Hussain Combined Military Hospital Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Muhammad Akram Combined Military Hospital Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Mirza Sijeel Ahmad Combined Military Hospital Multan/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan
  • Junaid Zafar Combined Military Hospital Quetta/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Pakistan



Frequency, Ketorolac tromethamine, Lignocaine, Opioid analgesics, Postoperative pain


Objective: To compare the frequency of opioid requirement, after intravenous lignocaine infusion and ketorolac tromethamine in the upper limb surgeries.

Study Design: Quasi-experimental study.

Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Pakistan, from Oct 2017 to Apr 2018.

Methodology: ASA I/II patients of either gender undergoing upper limb surgery were included. Patients were randomly divided into two equal groups, “L” (Lignocaine) and “K” (Ketorolac). In L-group, patients were given intravenous 1.5 mg/kg lignocaine bolus, followed by 2.0 mg/kg/hr infusion during entire procedure; while in K-group, patients were given intravenous 0.5 mg/kg (maximum 30 mg) ketorolac, at induction. The patients were monitored for 12 hours postoperatively and in case of severe postoperative pain (Visual Analogue Scale score >5), rescue analgesia (intravenous Nalbuphine 0.1 mg/kg) was provided.

Results: Total eighty patients were included in the study. There was no statistical difference between the two groups with age (p-value 0.823), gender (p-value 0.808) and ASA status (p-value 0.184). There was statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of opioid requirement at 1-hour (p-value 0.035), 6-hours (p-value 0.032) and 12-hours (p-value 0.035), with K-group showing more requirement as compared to the L-group.

Conclusion: Intraoperative administration of intravenous lignocaine infusion is superior to ketorolac in effective postoperative pain management in patients undergoing upper limb surgeries.


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How to Cite

Khan U, Bajwa SP, Hussain A, Akram M, Ahmad MS, Zafar J. Comparison Between Lignocaine Intravenous Lignocaine Infusion and Ketorolac in Reducing Postoperative Opioid Requirement in Upper Limb Surgeries. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 22];72(1):29-33. Available from: