Publication is the mode by which research is circulated and scientific repute is established which is fundamental for all the ethical practices. Authorship is becoming an increasingly compli-cated issue as research publications proliferate and its significance for tenancy and funding con-tinues. Individual authorship for research papers was the norm followed until the beginning of the 20th century. However, shared authorship became more and more common since approximately 1920.
The current stress in academic institutes on publication means that faculty needs to publish more research papers as promotions and incre-ments are based on the number of publications. Quantity does not impede quality and when the emphasis is on quality, there is less probability of issues regarding integrity and soundness of the research. Concerns about scientific integrity and responsibility increase pressure for publications. The most important aspect is to inform resear-chers about the requirements to become an author and the significance of flawless decisions regarding authorships. More ethical standards for manuscript authorship should be critical for fos-tering good medical writing practices that is to contribute credit where credit is due.