Maternal Serum Uric Acid as a Marker of Predicting Low Birth Weight at Term Pregnancy: A Study Based in CMH Lahore


  • Sadia Ghaffar Combined Military Hospital Medical College Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Pakistan
  • Qudsia Nawaz Combined Military Hospital Medical College Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Pakistan
  • Zubaida Shaheen Combined Military Hospital Medical College Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Pakistan
  • Shazia Shakeel Combined Military Hospital Medical College Lahore/National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Pakistan
  • Sadia Shafiq Islam Medical College, Gujranwala Pakistan
  • Nazia Tufail Allama e Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital, Sialkot Pakistan



Hyperuricemia, Low birth weight, Pregnancy


Objective: To determine the association of hyperuricemia with adverse pregnancy outcomes in terms of low birth weight at term pregnancy registered at CMH Lahore.

Study Design: Prospective cohort study.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of CMH, Lahore Pakistan, from Aug 2018 to Feb 2019.

Methodology: A total of 60 pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy were included in the study. Patients with serum uric acid levels greater or equal to 360 umol/L were included in Group-A or the at-risk Group, and Patients with serum uric acid levels less than 360 umol/L were included in Group-B or the control Group. All women were followed till the delivery. Data regarding adverse pregnancy outcomes (low birth weight) was noted.

Results: Mean Serum uric acid levels of 380.33±12.92 umol/L in the Exposed Group and mean Serum uric acid levels of 265.66±29.44 umol/L in the Control Group were noted. Low birth weight was seen 12 (40%) in Exposed Group as compared to 7(23.3%) in Unexposed Group (p=0.165) (RR=1.71).

Conclusion: Low birth weight at term was not associated with hyperuricemic pregnancy more than normouricemic pregnancy in our study, probably due to the small sample size.


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How to Cite

Ghaffar S, Nawaz Q, Shaheen Z, Shakeel S, Shafiq S, Tufail N. Maternal Serum Uric Acid as a Marker of Predicting Low Birth Weight at Term Pregnancy: A Study Based in CMH Lahore. Pak Armed Forces Med J [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];72(4):1287-90. Available from: